History’s Greatest Coincidences
Unsinkable predictions, perfect eclipses, and a prophetic license plate: here are history’s greatest coincidences.
Where forgotten things are remembered…
Unsinkable predictions, perfect eclipses, and a prophetic license plate: here are history’s greatest coincidences.
For his film version in 2005, Tim Burton deployed a surprising approach: real squirrels in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’s nut room.
Facial Pareidolia is the tendency of humans to see faces in random shapes and objects. It has been observed in other primates, and even in Artificial Intelligence.
The real life inspiration for Nightmare on Elm Street was a mysterious psychological condition, linked to the Cambodian civil war. Its cause is still unknown.
‘Jetpack Man’ has been spotted over LAX international airport several times in the last year. Is it a clever prank, or has someone finally created a real jetpack?
In a firehouse in small town California, is a lightbulb that has burned for 100 years. Known as The Centennial Light, its inventor was a French electronics genius.
Created by stage magicians as a joke, the worst video game ever made has found an unlikely second life, raising funds to help sick children. Welcome, to Desert Bus.
The English language is littered with unusual words and terms. Here are 8 strange origins of common phrases.
The history of MDMA is long and wild, featuring German scientists, CIA experiments, avant-garde therapy and all night partying.
I recently spent a month in Argentina. It is quite a place; lively, with a rich history. Here are 8 things I learned, exploring the country.